■ Python学習 #2:Minicondaをインストールしてみる

Windows 10にMinicondaをインストールしてみる。


上記より Python 3.7 Windows 64-bit (exe installer) をダウンロード

ダウンロードした Miniconda3-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe を実行しインストール

インストール完了したら、スタートメニューより [Anaconda Prompt] を起動する


例) "Introtensorflow"という名前の仮想環境を作成
"conda create"コマンドで仮想環境を作成できる。仮想環境の名前は "-n" オプションで指定
(base) C:\Users\user>conda create -n introtensorflow
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\envs\introtensorflow

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate introtensorflow
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

(base) C:\Users\user>


"conda info -e"コマンドを使う
(base) C:\Users\user>conda info -e
# conda environments:
base                  *  C:\Users\user\Miniconda3
introtensorflow          C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\envs\introtensorflow

(base) C:\Users\user>


"conda activate (仮想名)"
(base) C:\Users\user>conda activate introtensorflow

(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user&gtl

仮想環境を終了するには "conda deactivate" と入力
(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>conda deactivate

(base) C:\Users\user>

Jupyter Notebookインストール

先ほど仮想環境をディアクティベートしたので、再度アクティベート後、"conda install"コマンドでJupyter Notebookをインストールする。
(base) C:\Users\user>conda activate introtensorflow

(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>conda install jupyter
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\envs\introtensorflow

  added / updated specs:
    - jupyter

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    backcall-0.1.0             |           py37_0          19 KB
    pyqt-5.9.2                 |   py37h6538335_2         4.2 MB
    send2trash-1.5.0           |           py37_0          16 KB
    pyzmq-17.1.2               |   py37hfa6e2cd_0         400 KB
    libsodium-1.0.16           |       h9d3ae62_0         585 KB
    pywinpty-0.5.5             |        py37_1000          48 KB
    pickleshare-0.7.5          |           py37_0          13 KB
    jpeg-9b                    |       hb83a4c4_2         313 KB
    jinja2-2.10                |           py37_0         183 KB
    jupyter_console-6.0.0      |           py37_0          53 KB
    entrypoints-0.3            |           py37_0          12 KB
    nbconvert-5.3.1            |           py37_0         422 KB
    ipython-7.2.0              |   py37h39e3cac_0         1.1 MB
    zeromq-4.2.5               |       he025d50_1         9.5 MB
    jupyter-1.0.0              |           py37_7           6 KB
    tornado-5.1.1              |   py37hfa6e2cd_0         665 KB
    testpath-0.4.2             |           py37_0          92 KB
    qtconsole-4.4.3            |           py37_0         176 KB
    decorator-4.3.0            |           py37_0          15 KB
    m2w64-gcc-libs-5.3.0       |                7         518 KB
    traitlets-4.3.2            |           py37_0         133 KB
    m2w64-gmp-6.1.0            |                2         689 KB
    m2w64-libwinpthread-git-|                2          30 KB
    icu-58.2                   |       ha66f8fd_1        21.9 MB
    terminado-0.8.1            |           py37_1          21 KB
    wcwidth-0.1.7              |           py37_0          23 KB
    sip-4.19.8                 |   py37h6538335_0         281 KB
    ipython_genutils-0.2.0     |           py37_0          39 KB
    m2w64-gcc-libgfortran-5.3.0|                6         340 KB
    pandoc-             |                0        21.0 MB
    pandocfilters-1.4.2        |           py37_1          13 KB
    qt-5.9.7                   |   vc14h73c81de_0        92.3 MB
    jupyter_core-4.4.0         |           py37_0          85 KB
    markupsafe-1.1.0           |   py37he774522_0          29 KB
    notebook-5.7.4             |           py37_0         7.3 MB
    jsonschema-2.6.0           |           py37_0         104 KB
    widgetsnbextension-3.4.2   |           py37_0         1.7 MB
    libpng-1.6.36              |       h2a8f88b_0         550 KB
    m2w64-gcc-libs-core-5.3.0  |                7         213 KB
    jedi-0.13.2                |           py37_0         230 KB
    python-3.7.2               |       h8c8aaf0_0        17.7 MB
    ipywidgets-7.4.2           |           py37_0         151 KB
    python-dateutil-2.7.5      |           py37_0         276 KB
    bleach-3.1.0               |           py37_0         222 KB
    jupyter_client-5.2.4       |           py37_0         203 KB
    prompt_toolkit-2.0.7       |           py37_0         479 KB
    mistune-0.8.4              |   py37he774522_0          54 KB
    ca-certificates-2018.12.5  |                0         153 KB
    winpty-0.4.3               |                4         1.1 MB
    parso-0.3.1                |           py37_0         114 KB
    colorama-0.4.1             |           py37_0          24 KB
    pygments-2.3.1             |           py37_0         1.3 MB
    ipykernel-5.1.0            |   py37h39e3cac_0         156 KB
    msys2-conda-epoch-20160418 |                1           2 KB
    prometheus_client-0.5.0    |           py37_0          67 KB
    nbformat-4.4.0             |           py37_0         160 KB
    zlib-1.2.11                |       h62dcd97_3         128 KB
    webencodings-0.5.1         |           py37_1          19 KB
                                           Total:       187.5 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    backcall:                0.1.0-py37_0
    bleach:                  3.1.0-py37_0
    ca-certificates:         2018.12.5-0
    certifi:                 2018.11.29-py37_0
    colorama:                0.4.1-py37_0
    decorator:               4.3.0-py37_0
    entrypoints:             0.3-py37_0
    icu:                     58.2-ha66f8fd_1
    ipykernel:               5.1.0-py37h39e3cac_0
    ipython:                 7.2.0-py37h39e3cac_0
    ipython_genutils:        0.2.0-py37_0
    ipywidgets:              7.4.2-py37_0
    jedi:                    0.13.2-py37_0
    jinja2:                  2.10-py37_0
    jpeg:                    9b-hb83a4c4_2
    jsonschema:              2.6.0-py37_0
    jupyter:                 1.0.0-py37_7
    jupyter_client:          5.2.4-py37_0
    jupyter_console:         6.0.0-py37_0
    jupyter_core:            4.4.0-py37_0
    libpng:                  1.6.36-h2a8f88b_0
    libsodium:               1.0.16-h9d3ae62_0
    m2w64-gcc-libgfortran:   5.3.0-6
    m2w64-gcc-libs:          5.3.0-7
    m2w64-gcc-libs-core:     5.3.0-7
    m2w64-gmp:               6.1.0-2
    markupsafe:              1.1.0-py37he774522_0
    mistune:                 0.8.4-py37he774522_0
    msys2-conda-epoch:       20160418-1
    nbconvert:               5.3.1-py37_0
    nbformat:                4.4.0-py37_0
    notebook:                5.7.4-py37_0
    openssl:                 1.1.1a-he774522_0
    pandocfilters:           1.4.2-py37_1
    parso:                   0.3.1-py37_0
    pickleshare:             0.7.5-py37_0
    pip:                     18.1-py37_0
    prometheus_client:       0.5.0-py37_0
    prompt_toolkit:          2.0.7-py37_0
    pygments:                2.3.1-py37_0
    pyqt:                    5.9.2-py37h6538335_2
    python:                  3.7.2-h8c8aaf0_0
    python-dateutil:         2.7.5-py37_0
    pywinpty:                0.5.5-py37_1000
    pyzmq:                   17.1.2-py37hfa6e2cd_0
    qt:                      5.9.7-vc14h73c81de_0
    qtconsole:               4.4.3-py37_0
    send2trash:              1.5.0-py37_0
    setuptools:              40.6.3-py37_0
    sip:                     4.19.8-py37h6538335_0
    six:                     1.12.0-py37_0
    sqlite:                  3.26.0-he774522_0
    terminado:               0.8.1-py37_1
    testpath:                0.4.2-py37_0
    tornado:                 5.1.1-py37hfa6e2cd_0
    traitlets:               4.3.2-py37_0
    vc:                      14.1-h0510ff6_4
    vs2015_runtime:          14.15.26706-h3a45250_0
    wcwidth:                 0.1.7-py37_0
    webencodings:            0.5.1-py37_1
    wheel:                   0.32.3-py37_0
    widgetsnbextension:      3.4.2-py37_0
    wincertstore:            0.2-py37_0
    winpty:                  0.4.3-4
    zeromq:                  4.2.5-he025d50_1
    zlib:                    1.2.11-h62dcd97_3

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages
backcall-0.1.0       | 19 KB     | #################################### | 100%
pyqt-5.9.2           | 4.2 MB    | #################################### | 100%
send2trash-1.5.0     | 16 KB     | #################################### | 100%
pyzmq-17.1.2         | 400 KB    | #################################### | 100%
libsodium-1.0.16     | 585 KB    | #################################### | 100%
pywinpty-0.5.5       | 48 KB     | #################################### | 100%
pickleshare-0.7.5    | 13 KB     | #################################### | 100%
jpeg-9b              | 313 KB    | #################################### | 100%
jinja2-2.10          | 183 KB    | #################################### | 100%
jupyter_console-6.0. | 53 KB     | #################################### | 100%
entrypoints-0.3      | 12 KB     | #################################### | 100%
nbconvert-5.3.1      | 422 KB    | #################################### | 100%
ipython-7.2.0        | 1.1 MB    | #################################### | 100%
zeromq-4.2.5         | 9.5 MB    | #################################### | 100%
jupyter-1.0.0        | 6 KB      | #################################### | 100%
tornado-5.1.1        | 665 KB    | #################################### | 100%
testpath-0.4.2       | 92 KB     | #################################### | 100%
qtconsole-4.4.3      | 176 KB    | #################################### | 100%
decorator-4.3.0      | 15 KB     | #################################### | 100%
m2w64-gcc-libs-5.3.0 | 518 KB    | #################################### | 100%
traitlets-4.3.2      | 133 KB    | #################################### | 100%
m2w64-gmp-6.1.0      | 689 KB    | #################################### | 100%
m2w64-libwinpthread- | 30 KB     | #################################### | 100%
icu-58.2             | 21.9 MB   | #################################### | 100%
terminado-0.8.1      | 21 KB     | #################################### | 100%
wcwidth-0.1.7        | 23 KB     | #################################### | 100%
sip-4.19.8           | 281 KB    | #################################### | 100%
ipython_genutils-0.2 | 39 KB     | #################################### | 100%
m2w64-gcc-libgfortra | 340 KB    | #################################### | 100%
pandoc-       | 21.0 MB   | #################################### | 100%
pandocfilters-1.4.2  | 13 KB     | #################################### | 100%
qt-5.9.7             | 92.3 MB   | #################################### | 100%
jupyter_core-4.4.0   | 85 KB     | #################################### | 100%
markupsafe-1.1.0     | 29 KB     | #################################### | 100%
notebook-5.7.4       | 7.3 MB    | #################################### | 100%
jsonschema-2.6.0     | 104 KB    | #################################### | 100%
widgetsnbextension-3 | 1.7 MB    | #################################### | 100%
libpng-1.6.36        | 550 KB    | #################################### | 100%
m2w64-gcc-libs-core- | 213 KB    | #################################### | 100%
jedi-0.13.2          | 230 KB    | #################################### | 100%
python-3.7.2         | 17.7 MB   | #################################### | 100%
ipywidgets-7.4.2     | 151 KB    | #################################### | 100%
python-dateutil-2.7. | 276 KB    | #################################### | 100%
bleach-3.1.0         | 222 KB    | #################################### | 100%
jupyter_client-5.2.4 | 203 KB    | #################################### | 100%
prompt_toolkit-2.0.7 | 479 KB    | #################################### | 100%
mistune-0.8.4        | 54 KB     | #################################### | 100%
ca-certificates-2018 | 153 KB    | #################################### | 100%
winpty-0.4.3         | 1.1 MB    | #################################### | 100%
parso-0.3.1          | 114 KB    | #################################### | 100%
colorama-0.4.1       | 24 KB     | #################################### | 100%
pygments-2.3.1       | 1.3 MB    | #################################### | 100%
ipykernel-5.1.0      | 156 KB    | #################################### | 100%
msys2-conda-epoch-20 | 2 KB      | #################################### | 100%
prometheus_client-0. | 67 KB     | #################################### | 100%
nbformat-4.4.0       | 160 KB    | #################################### | 100%
zlib-1.2.11          | 128 KB    | #################################### | 100%
webencodings-0.5.1   | 19 KB     | #################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: \ DEBUG menuinst_win32:__init__(196): Menu: name: 'Anaconda${PY_VER} ${PLATFORM}', prefix: 'C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\envs\introtensorflow', env_name: 'introtensorflow', mode: 'user', used_mode: 'user'
DEBUG menuinst_win32:create(320): Shortcut cmd is C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\python.exe, args are ['C:\\Users\\user\\Miniconda3\\cwp.py', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Miniconda3\\envs\\introtensorflow', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Miniconda3\\envs\\introtensorflow\\python.exe', 'C:\\Users\\user\\Miniconda3\\envs\\introtensorflow\\Scripts\\jupyter-notebook-script.py', '"%USERPROFILE%/"']

(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>


ここではCPU版をインストールする "pip --no-cache-dir install -I -U tensorflow"
(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>pip --no-cache-dir install -I -U tensorflow
Collecting tensorflow
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for tensorflow

(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>
… うまくいっていないような…

(base) C:\Users\user>conda env remove -n introtensorflow

(base) C:\Users\user>conda create -n introtensorflow python=3.6
Solving environment: done

## Package Plan ##

  environment location: C:\Users\user\Miniconda3\envs\introtensorflow

  added / updated specs:
    - python=3.6

The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    certifi-2018.11.29         |           py36_0         146 KB
    pip-18.1                   |           py36_0         1.8 MB
    wincertstore-0.2           |   py36h7fe50ca_0          13 KB
    wheel-0.32.3               |           py36_0          53 KB
    python-3.6.8               |       h9f7ef89_0        20.3 MB
    setuptools-40.6.3          |           py36_0         625 KB
                                           Total:        22.9 MB

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    certifi:        2018.11.29-py36_0
    pip:            18.1-py36_0
    python:         3.6.8-h9f7ef89_0
    setuptools:     40.6.3-py36_0
    sqlite:         3.26.0-he774522_0
    vc:             14.1-h0510ff6_4
    vs2015_runtime: 14.15.26706-h3a45250_0
    wheel:          0.32.3-py36_0
    wincertstore:   0.2-py36h7fe50ca_0

Proceed ([y]/n)? y

Downloading and Extracting Packages
certifi-2018.11.29   | 146 KB    | #################################### | 100%
pip-18.1             | 1.8 MB    | #################################### | 100%
wincertstore-0.2     | 13 KB     | #################################### | 100%
wheel-0.32.3         | 53 KB     | #################################### | 100%
python-3.6.8         | 20.3 MB   | #################################### | 100%
setuptools-40.6.3    | 625 KB    | #################################### | 100%
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: done
# To activate this environment, use
#     $ conda activate introtensorflow
# To deactivate an active environment, use
#     $ conda deactivate

(base) C:\Users\user>

(base) C:\Users\user>conda activate introtensorflow

(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>pip --no-cache-dir install -I -U tensorflow
Collecting tensorflow
  Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/05/cd/c171d2e33c0192b04560ce864c26eba83fed888fe5cd9ded661b2702f2ae/tensorflow-1.12.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl (45.9MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 45.9MB ...
Collecting tensorboard<1 ...="" .13.0="" 1.1mb="" 1.5mb="" 100="" 102kb="" 11.9mb="" 2.4mb="" 3.1mb="" 327kb="" 51kb="" 573kb="" 6.3mb="" 6.5mb="" 6.6mb="" 9.2mb="" 92kb="" a76be51647d0eb9f10e2a4511bf3ffb8cc1e6b14e9e4fab46173aa79f981="" a7="" a976f728d0d1fecfe898238ce23f502a721c0ac0ecfedb80e0d88c64e9="" a="" ab68120d1d89ae23b694a55fe2aece2f91194313b71f9b05a80b32d3c24b="" absl-py-0.7.0.tar.gz="" absl-py-0.7.0="" absl-py="" arkdown-3.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" astor-0.7.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" astor-0.7.1="" astor="" b="" ba15545ec37d2f7f58844d690baf2f81f3a60b862e48f29287="" bb="" bc="" bf99b2d4e3cceb4d55ca22590b0d7c2c62b9de38ac4a4a7f4687421="" c4403544a91001d9c618748b2e8786db45544e36b8a6cf3c525e9b57f="" c4="" c:="" cac581a12952a2aad00e1526b89d242d0b9f59534ef6e6a1752f="" caf971b0d2d48f151c2586f62902d93dc908e2fd9b9b9f6aa3c9dd="" collected="" collecting="" d32ce9471c18f8d99028b7cef2e5b39ea8765bd7ef250ca05b490880971="" d606d07cff0fc8d22abcc54006c0247002d11a7f2d218eb008d48e76851d="" df="" dfa4795e24fd6f93d5d58602dd716c3f101cfd5a77cd9acbe519b44a0a9="" done="" downloading="" e0fa783d3fc07e41715973435dd051ca89c550881b3454233c39c73e69="" e3e56473e52375aa29c4764e70d1b8f3efa6682bef8d0aae04fe335243="" e8="" e="" eras_applications-1.0.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" eras_preprocessing-1.0.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" erkzeug-0.14.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" f7e4f9b9d7078aa0e701500634f832f145855a11beb098d3b0fb1="" f="" fa027f411616f6e7c5899a8e3e1ab2e101808f8d62b6ee8b645411ed270b="" fb="" fc="" ff40221029f7098d58f8d7fb99b97e8100f3293f9856f0fb5834bef100b="" ff="" files.pythonhosted.org="" for="" from="" gast-0.2.2.tar.gz="" gast-0.2.2="" gast="" grpcio-1.18.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl="" grpcio-1.18.0="" grpcio="" gt="" h5py-2.9.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl="" h5py-2.9.0="" h5py="" https:="" install="" installed="" installing="" introtensorflow="" kb="" keras-applications-1.0.6="" keras-applications="" keras-preprocessing-1.0.5="" keras-preprocessing="" markdown-3.0.1="" markdown="" numpy-1.16.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl="" numpy-1.16.0="" numpy="" packages:="" packages="" pre="" protobuf-3.6.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl="" protobuf-3.6.1="" protobuf="" running="" s="" sers="" setup.py="" setuptools-40.6.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" setuptools-40.6.3="" setuptools="" six-1.12.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" six-1.12.0="" six="" successfully="" tensorboard-1.12.2-py3-none-any.whl="" tensorboard-1.12.2="" tensorboard="" tensorflow-1.12.0="" tensorflow="" termcolor-1.1.0.tar.gz="" termcolor-1.1.0="" termcolor="" user="" werkzeug-0.14.1="" werkzeug="" wheel-0.32.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl="" wheel-0.32.3="" wheel="">
… できたっぽい?


(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>python
Python 3.6.8 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Dec 30 2018, 18:50:55) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
2019-01-23 23:43:20.687615: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
>>> message = tf.constant('Hello, Tensorflow!')
>>> message.eval()
b'Hello, Tensorflow!'
>>> sess.close()
>>> exit()

(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>

Jupyter Notebook起動

"jupyter notebook"と入力すれば起動するはず…
(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>jupyter notebook
'jupyter' は、内部コマンドまたは外部コマンド、
操作可能なプログラムまたはバッチ ファイルとして認識されていません。
… Python3.6にするため仮想を消してからJupyter Notebook入れてなかった。 もう一度インストール
(introtensorflow) C:\Users\user>conda install jupyter

Python, Miniconda, Tensorflow, Jupyter Notebook

0 件のコメント:
