■ Docker学習:Docker Toolboxが起動しなくなった

Docker ToolboxのDocker Quickstart Terminalを起動したらエラーが発生するようになった

Error getting IP address: ssh command error:
command : ip addr show
err     : exit status 255
output  :
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
For help getting started, check out the docs at https://docs.docker.com

Docker Machineを削除→新規作成することにした。

docker-machine rm default

About to remove default
WARNING: This action will delete both local reference and remote instance.
Are you sure? (y/n): y
Error removing host "default": D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe unregistervm --delete default failed:
VBoxManage.exe: error: Cannot unregister the machine 'default' while it is locked
VBoxManage.exe: error: Details: code VBOX_E_INVALID_OBJECT_STATE (0x80bb0007), component MachineWrap, interface IMachine, callee IUnknown
VBoxManage.exe: error: Context: "Unregister(CleanupMode_DetachAllReturnHardDisksOnly, ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(aMedia))" at line 154 of file VBoxManageMisc.cpp

$ docker-machine rm default
About to remove default
WARNING: This action will delete both local reference and remote instance.
Are you sure? (y/n): y
Successfully removed default



docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default

$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default
Running pre-create checks...
(default) Default Boot2Docker ISO is out-of-date, downloading the latest release...
(default) Latest release for github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker is v19.03.12
(default) Downloading C:\Users\user\.docker\machine\cache\boot2docker.iso from https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases/download/v19.03.12/boot2docker.iso...
(default) 0%....10%....20%....30%....40%....50%....60%....70%....80%....90%....100%
Creating machine...
(default) Copying C:\Users\user\.docker\machine\cache\boot2docker.iso to C:\Users\user\.docker\machine\machines\default\boot2docker.iso...
(default) Creating VirtualBox VM...
(default) Creating SSH key...
(default) Starting the VM...
(default) Check network to re-create if needed...
(default) Windows might ask for the permission to configure a dhcp server. Sometimes, such confirmation window is minimized in the taskbar.
(default) Waiting for an IP...
Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes...
Detecting operating system of created instance...
Waiting for SSH to be available...
Detecting the provisioner...
Provisioning with boot2docker...
Copying certs to the local machine directory...
Copying certs to the remote machine...
Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon...
Checking connection to Docker...
Docker is up and running!
To see how to connect your Docker Client to the Docker Engine running on this virtual machine, run: D:\Program Files\Docker Toolbox\docker-machine.exe env default



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